Project Cycle
Register your NGO and apply for your project
Know the steps that organizations that are interested in applying for SELAVIP financing must follow.
At any stage of the Cycle, NGOs and Projects in execution can be visited by Evaluators to know about the facilities and/or supervise the progress status of each of the initiatives in execution.
Know the project cycle
Register your user in the Project Management System
The first step is to create a user account, through that account you can register a NGO. You only need an email to create it.
Create and register a NGO from agust 1 to february 20
Complete the registration form to enable your NGO, we will review your registration and give it a status: activated, in correction, rejected.
Complete the form to apply for your project from april 15 to june 15
With the NGO activated you will access the application form on the dates that will be informed.
Selection process
The projects received will be evaluated and preselected, those that meet the best way with the objectives of SELAVIP and the available budget will be chosen. Those selected will be informed and the NGO must complete an Additional Information form. Once the additional information is approved, the Formal Agreement with the NGO will be generated and signed.
Project in progress
Progress Reports must be completed for each project as mentioned in the signed agreement. Money transfers are then requested and confirmed in the system.
Once the project has been executed by the NGO, a final report must be sent which will be reviewed by SELAVIP and a closure certificate may or may not be generated.