General information and requirements

Organizations that are interested in applying for funding from SELAVIP should consider the following criteria for the presentation of their projects:

It will be a requirement for all organizations wishing to participate in this call to be registered in the "Registration of Organizations of Selavip" on February 28.

Before creating a project, "Active" Organisations should review and update their data, in case there have been changes to their current Registration. Any problems with the System should be reported to SELAVIP's e-mail address

All projects must be sent online through the SELAVIP management system. No applications will be received by other means.

SELAVIP only considers the financial contribution of ONE constructive solution per family (See monetary contributions table for construction solution).

It is desirable that the project generates community processes and innovative policies based on the experiences developed by each organization, the sustainable development objectives delivered by the UN and that local or national governments wish to support.

It is important that families which have been considered to benefit should participate in all preparatory phases and the subsequent execution of the project, in order to ensure that these initiatives respond to the real needs of the families that it is desired to support.

The resources delivered by SELAVIP are a free contribution for each family and must be used exclusively for the execution of the selected project.

At least 90% of the resources provided by SELAVIP should be used only for the acquisition of materials. In the case of regularization of the land, 100% must be spent by the project that allows its processing before the relevant institutions.

SELAVIP reserves the right to reduce the requested amounts and the number of constructive solutions to execute according to budget availability.

SELAVIP will favor those proposals which present cost-effective housing or health systems and also projects where other sources of financing are involved without neglecting the quality of the solutions to be built.

SELAVIP will not consider projects whose total cost is less than $20,000 US dollars (except projects related to land regularization).

In these last calls from SELAVIP inflation and other international considerations that affect nations have directly influenced material prices, so the NGO must take into account this variable since, once the project is selected, It will not be possible to modify the number of beneficiaries and solutions to be built that have been approved.

Fin pobreza
Hambre cero
Salud y bienestar
Educación de calidad
Igualdad genero
Agua limpia
Energía asequible
Trabajo decente
Reducción desigualdades
Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
Producción y consumo responsables
Acción por el clima
Vida submarina
Vida ecosistemas
Paz y justicia
Alianzas objetivos

Objetivos desarrollo sostenible


Contributions by project, family and type of solution

  • Nuevas viviendas

    New dwelling

  • Maximum
    USD 2.200
    per family

    Multistorey constructions or constructions made from at least 50% recycled materials

  • Maximum
    USD 2.000
    per family

    Wood constructions, fibre cement boards, Hollow baked clay bricks, hollow concrete blocks

  • Maximum
    USD 1.800
    per family

    Metal plates, ibr roof sheeting, clay blocks, local materials, massive baked clay bricks, massive concrete bricks, concrete walls

  • Maximum USD 100.000
    by project

  • Baños y letrinas

    Toilets or latrines

  • Maximum
    USD 1.000
    per family

    Community toilets: are toilets shared by a group of families in a community or toilets shared in schools or toilets in refugees camps

  • Maximum
    USD 900
    per family

    Bathrooms: these bathrooms include at least a WC, a washbasin and a shower and damp-proof walls. Considered to be connected to a water network

  • Maximum
    USD 700
    per family

    Latrines dry or fertiliser and/or with Pit and Well Systems

  • Maximum
    USD 500
    per family

    Latrines common, pit only

  • Maximum
    USD 60.000
    by project

  • Reparación


  • Maximum
    USD 400
    per family

    Individual electrical installations connected to the public network, or using photovoltaic panels

  • Maximum
    USD 600
    per family

    Only roof repair including its structure. The surface of each of them should be specified

  • Maximum
    USD 60.000
    by project

  • Ampliación


  • Maximum
    USD 1.000
    per family

    Extend or expand an existing home whose family is overcrowded. It must be justified by the number of people living in the family

  • Maximum
    USD 80.000
    by project

  • Sistemas de agua potable

    Drinking water systems

  • Maximum
    USD 800
    per family

  • Maximum
    USD 80.000
    by project

  • Sistema alcantarillado

    Sewage system

  • Maximum
    USD 600
    per family

  • Maximum
    USD 80.000
    by project

  • Regularización títulos

    Regularización títulos de propiedad

  • The amount will be considered by Selavip by virtue of the average of historical projects presented, selected and executed in previous years. The legal process and deadlines must be well defined in these projects

  • Maximum
    USD 60.000
    by project

Icono postulación

Organized Communities, non-governmental organizations and local religious entities in developing countries, legally constituted and non-profit, may send their creative and daring projects from April 15 to June 15 of each year.

Applications can only be made on the dates of each call and must be sent online through the SELAVIP Projects Management System

You may also contact us at the following email address, only email available if you need more information

On our WEB page, interested parties can find the ONG Registration form template, Application form template and the Application background for each call (the latter can change with each call).

Are excluded

Infrastructure projects, such as hospitals, orphanages, schools, churches, training centers or income-generating projects will be declared inadmissible.

Projects that involve the use of materials that contain Asbestos in the construction process will be declared inadmissible.


All proposals received within the application dates will be evaluated with quantitative and qualitative criteria, objectively, by a team of professionals who will determine if a project is admissible or not. SELAVIP, based on the evaluation, will select those that best reflect the fulfillment of the priorities and objectives that the foundation seeks.

The final selection is made by the SELAVIP board in Belgium, there the evaluation is considered again and the number of projects is adjusted according to budget availability.

It is important that organizations consider that in some cases it is only possible to partially finance an initiative, so that their proposal, once selected, may require adjustments in the number of families and the amount of the contribution, which will be previously informed to them before signing some agreement.

If any organization rejects the proposed changes and does not wish to continue, the projects that are on the waiting list may be selected.

Approved projects will be reported at the end of October or beginning of November of each year in:
